A Biblical Perspective
By Steven Lambert, ThD


The following is an overview of the "Prophetic Course," delineating some of the major points and issues addressed in the course.

  1. The Biblical origins of the prophetic and prophets.
  2. The Scriptural basis for the prophetic.
  3. The purposes and role of the prophetic.
  4. Distinctions between Canonized Prophecy ~ Written Word (Logos) of God and the inspired spoken Word of God (Rhema).
  5. The three prophetic media of the Spirit through human vessels.
  6. Learning how to discern the guidance of the Spirit of God in your own life.
  7. Distinctions between the prophetic GIFTS and the OFFICE of the prophet.
  8. Participation of prophets in the plans of God throughout the ages ~ past, present, and future.
  9. O.T. types and shadows of the prophetic anointing and appointing.
  10. N.T. fulfillment of the O.T. types and shadows.
  11. Validity and role of the prophetic in the N.T. church.
  12. The demise of the prophetic gifts and office during Church history.
  13. The restoration of the prophetic gifts and office.
  14. The coming Restoration and Reformation to the true Church.
  15. The coming Purification and Glorification of the true Church.
  16. The role of prophets and the prophetic gifts in the coming moves of God.
  17. The coming Restoration, Reformation, and Revolution, and Resisters of it.
  18. The prophetic gifts and guidelines for their operation, as delineated in Scripture.
  19. The ministry of the prophet (prophetic office) as delineated in Scripture.
  20. How to test prophecy and "the spirits."

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