The Manifestation (Charismata) Gift of Prophecy

The entrance of God’s Word gives light, or illumination of the Truth (Psa. 119:130). By and by, throughout the ages, God has been dispelling spiritual darkness in the Church by gradually revealing more and more Truth and by gradually giving us greater illumination of the Truth. As a result, the Church’s understanding of the Truth is becoming more and more complete and perfected. This is what the Holy Spirit means in His allusion to being “established in present Truth.” Certainly, it is not that the Truth of God changes or needs up-dating, but rather this refers to the Church’s understanding of the Truth. This process seems to be especially accelerated in these last days in which much fresh Truth is being revealed to the Church through a “new breed” of Fivefold Ministers.

Apostolic-Prophetic Restoration in the 21st Century (Part 2)

This is the first in a series of articles I will be publishing concerning a matter of utmost importance to the future of the Church Jesus is building in these end-times in which we are living here in the 21st Century—the matter of the restoration of the apostolic and prophetic offices. It is a matter of utmost importance to the future of the Church Jesus is building because of the nature of the ministry offices as delineated and elucidated in Scripture—and they are indeed, despite all the adamant and oftentimes angry claims to the contrary. And that confidence in the validity of that assertion is based on the stated fact that the offices or functions indeed are unequivocally and irrefutably, specifically referenced in the Word of God, which is the Church’s foundation for all spiritual truth.

The Demise of the Fivefold Ministry Offices

The holistic abrogation, subversion, and replacement of the Fivefold Ministry Offices through which Jesus intended for the Church He was building to be governed and spiritually edified with a humanly contrived and appointed ecclesiastical hierarchy of human clerics what were neither anointed nor appointed by God to lead and instruct the Church is the primary cause behind the twelve centuries of spiritual debacle and deconstruction known as The Dark Ages.

Warning To The Super-Apostles

A newly formed “apostolic network” of self-appointed super-apostles meets clandestinely in Florida to divvy up the nation into apostolic regions, or apostolates, and appoint certain member apostles as the arch-apostles over those territories. For several...

The Picture Of A Prophet

Oh, how desperately the Church, including the Neo-Pentecostal Church, in this last hour when a horde ascribe unto themselves the title “prophet,” needs a full-color picture of a genuine black-and-white prophet, to portray to its constituency what one looks like, to allow them to fully receive “the reward” or benefits of a genuine prophet, instead of the cheap thrills dispensed by diluted and often deluded imitations circulating around the church scene these days. To accurately differentiate the genuine from the counterfeit, chances are it’s going to “take one to know one.” The late Leonard Ravenhill certainly was one, and before his death, fortunately for us, he snapped “the picture of a prophet” for us all to see and contemplate.

The Purification Of Deliverance

God’s people must be delivered from all satanic bondages in order to come into the purification required to be able to possess the Kingdom! Deliverance is the pathway to purification. 2006 is the YEAR OF DELIVERANCE!