The Promise of Blessings Upon Your Children

God declares and decrees in His Word that the posterity of those people who fear the LORD and find great delight in his commands “will be MIGHTY in the land!” They are not wimps or casper-milquetoast people! They don’t live their lives in a corner, cowering in fear and trepidation. They do not live their lives anonymously; they are known and noticed wherever they go. People know who they are! Perhaps more tellingly, as with Jesus and the Apostle Paul, demons know who they are, as well. Whatever their hand finds to do, they do it with all their MIGHT. They’ve established a habit of being STRONG in the Lord and in the POWER of HIS MIGHT! They’ve learned that the joy of the Lord is their strength. They are indefatigible, indestructable, and invincible. THEY ARE MIGHTY PEOPLE!

The Blessings Coming to the Righteous

Yesterday I was reading Psalm 112, and was totally blown away by the prophetic promises it contains! I just had to write to share with you what the Lord was speaking to me about you through it. I say “you,” because I believe you are one who fears the Lord...