The following are two prophecies over the City Beautiful, Orlando, Florida, which the Lord spoke through me in September 1988. Over the course of three years beginning in the latter half of 1988 and continuing through the first half of 1990 I conducted some three hundred meetings in which I was teaching on the prophetic gifts and office as well as prophesying about a coming prophetic movement followed by an apostolic movement in which the offices of the prophet and the apostle would be restored to their proper place of function in the Church that Jesus is building (Mat. 16:18), despite the fact that what God was doing in the Spirit realm would be widely rejected by men in terms of its implementation in the natural realm. To this day that I am publishing these prophecies, I continue to adamantly believe God indeed DID restore both of those offices to their rightful place of function in the SPIRIT realm, but I am also keenly aware that to this day that fact has been largely rejected by the vast majority of those entities that claim to be part of the genuine Church, though the irrefutable fact is that any entity that does not have has has a foundation consisting of apostles and prophets and Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20), that entity, regardless of what it calls itself, is NOT a legitimate “church” that is part of parcel of the ecclesia that Jesus, as its Head, is building!

A Prophetic Word for 2020

n 2020, one of the emphases of the Spirit will be eschatological events, because God wants His betrothed, the genuine Church He is building, to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent–HE IS COMING BACK SOON! Eschatology is the knowledge and study of endtimes.

A Prophetic Prognosis

For three years or so the Lord has been speaking to me out of the prophetic prediction of Malachi 3:1-6 concerning imminent events that He will be orchestrating in the Church that He is building, i.e., the genuine Body of Christ. In the first quarter of this year, the Lord has been continually increasing the intensity and urgency of what he has been showing and telling me in this regard. I rise today through the auspices of this forum to make a sincere and earnest attempt to convey what I believe I received as a prophetic word from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, which He has instructed me to convey to the Church He is building, that is, His Body. A few days ago, I heard Him instructing me in my spirit to sit down at my computer, write what He speaks to me, and title it “A Prophetic Prognosis.” I did; He did; and what He spoke is what this article is about.

18 Things To Remember As You Transition Into 2014

18 Things To Remember As You Transition Into 2014 By Dr. Steven Lambert NOTHING! — of the vicissitudes of 2013! — Php. 3:13 Don’t measure 2014 by 2013! Be HOPEFUL and FAITH-FUL! What Satchel Page said (paraphrased): “Don’t drive staring...

About Personal Prophecy

Though the matter of personal prophecy is by far the element of the prophetic realm of greatest interest to the vast majority of Spirit-Baptized believers, it is not the most important. Nevertheless, personal prophecy is part and parcel of the present Prophetic...

Prophets–God’s Change Agents

One of the tribes of Israel, the sons of Issachar, were “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” (1 Chrn. 12:32). Prophets are spiritual “sons of Issachar.” The spiritual inheritance of that tribe is alive within them. They have a special anointing for discerning the times and knowing when God is bringing forth new things, new paradigms, and bringing the Church into new dimensions of the Spirit.