Today I preached the greatest sermon I never preached!

I preached it not from a pulpit, but from a recliner chair in a chemotherapy clinic!

I preached it not from notes I had meticulously prepared beforehand, but completely extemporaneously, impromptu, from the memory vault of my real life story—my his-tory!


The following are two prophecies over the City Beautiful, Orlando, Florida, which the Lord spoke through me in September 1988. Over the course of three years beginning in the latter half of 1988 and continuing through the first half of 1990 I conducted some three hundred meetings in which I was teaching on the prophetic gifts and office as well as prophesying about a coming prophetic movement followed by an apostolic movement in which the offices of the prophet and the apostle would be restored to their proper place of function in the Church that Jesus is building (Mat. 16:18), despite the fact that what God was doing in the Spirit realm would be widely rejected by men in terms of its implementation in the natural realm. To this day that I am publishing these prophecies, I continue to adamantly believe God indeed DID restore both of those offices to their rightful place of function in the SPIRIT realm, but I am also keenly aware that to this day that fact has been largely rejected by the vast majority of those entities that claim to be part of the genuine Church, though the irrefutable fact is that any entity that does not have has has a foundation consisting of apostles and prophets and Christ Jesus as the Cornerstone (Eph. 2:20), that entity, regardless of what it calls itself, is NOT a legitimate “church” that is part of parcel of the ecclesia that Jesus, as its Head, is building!

The Manifestation (Charismata) Gift of Prophecy

The entrance of God’s Word gives light, or illumination of the Truth (Psa. 119:130). By and by, throughout the ages, God has been dispelling spiritual darkness in the Church by gradually revealing more and more Truth and by gradually giving us greater illumination of the Truth. As a result, the Church’s understanding of the Truth is becoming more and more complete and perfected. This is what the Holy Spirit means in His allusion to being “established in present Truth.” Certainly, it is not that the Truth of God changes or needs up-dating, but rather this refers to the Church’s understanding of the Truth. This process seems to be especially accelerated in these last days in which much fresh Truth is being revealed to the Church through a “new breed” of Fivefold Ministers.

A Prophetic Word for 2020

n 2020, one of the emphases of the Spirit will be eschatological events, because God wants His betrothed, the genuine Church He is building, to understand that Jesus’ return is imminent–HE IS COMING BACK SOON! Eschatology is the knowledge and study of endtimes.

America Under Attack

It was surreal for all Americans as well as people around the world to watch the events unfold on the TV screen, but especially to me personally, in that the WTC collapsing and decimation in a vital section of Manhattan was essentially a replay of what I saw in the dream. Without launching into detailed account of what the Lord has shown me concerning end time events particularly in this country, I will say that I believe these horrific acts of barbarism perpetrated against not only the bastion of freedom but also against the very precept of democracy are the beginning of a series of events that will precipitate international actions that will result in massive and wholesale global geo-political upheaval and modification; that is, “tribulation,” if you will. Tribulation that will cast the entire world into unprecedented trepidation, uncertainty, and a sense of insecurity the likes of which has not been known since World War II, and in many ways greater.

About Personal Prophecy

Though the matter of personal prophecy is by far the element of the prophetic realm of greatest interest to the vast majority of Spirit-Baptized believers, it is not the most important. Nevertheless, personal prophecy is part and parcel of the present Prophetic...

Beware of the Angry Watchmen

There is a false revival on the rise. It is the rise of the angry watchman who will cast stones at those who have gone astray from the Lord. This false revival consists of ministers who have led people away from the truth through legalism and a misguided prosperity gospel. They will forbid and command prodigals not to come into the presence of God until you work your way back into His favor through human effort and religion. We must not remove the veil from the bride of Christ. We have a righteousness that cannot be taken away from us because Jesus is our veil.

Prophetic Purpose

With all the proliferation and promotion of the prophetic that is happily taking place now in some streams and camps of the Church, it is critical that we understand what the true purpose of the prophetic really is. Some prophetic novices and new prophetic groups appear to think that prophecy itself, whether in the form of personal prophesying over people or publishing prophecies on the Internet, for example, is the goal of the prophetic. Moreover, the actions, attitudes, and speech of some regarding the prophetic seem to indicate they think that the prophetic is an end in itself. But, it’s not.