BIBLICAL Hate Speech

Even professing “Christians”—those who claim to know God—do not know the God of the Bible; i.e., the God who reveals who He really is in His Word, of which He is the ultimate and original author. Remember: Every word contained in and comprising Holy Writ (the...


“On any given Sunday,” what emanates from most pulpits in America, sad to say, has the spiritual depth of Scotch Tape! Regardless of how pious-sounding and eloquently delivered the religious rhetoric, it is nonetheless void of the divine-power required to edify and activate the hearers’ spirits. Why?

The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation

THE GREAT APOSTASY Podcast Series THE REAL TRUTH PODCAST – Episode #36 The Dangerous Path of Doctrinal Deviation Series/Part-7 | In this series Dr. Lambert addresses the perilous path of doctrinal deviation that so many professing believers and churches are...


It is now time that individual believers and the collective Church that Jesus is building MUST begin to advance toward the accomplishment of the end-times purposes and plans of God!

God is doing a NEW THING as He promised in His word He is constantly doing, and it is up to every genuine believer in Christ and the collective church to know, understand, comprehend what those new things are and begin to walk in and according to them!

12 Reasons “Covenant Agreements” Are Not of God

Recently, I interfaced and interacted with a group whose primary commonality is their claim to be apostolic leaders, which, in my view, is extremely dubious in the case of but only a few. In the aftermath, a great disappointment and matter of dismay to me was being made aware, despite the decades of disapprobation and disrepute, some of their number, including some of their senior leaders, continue to employ in working/relating “covenant relationships” with junior leaders of their group such “spiritual covenants” of the ilk described and referenced herein. I was deeply grieved in my spirit by what I saw, discerned, and experienced at that conference. A major part of my concern regarding this group (as a group), is their ostensible lack of spiritual discernment and understanding regarding worldly and demonic influences that are apparently part of their theological and belief systems. As a result of almost continual prayer for several weeks afterwards, I was impelled by the Spirit to unburden myself by the writing of this article and others I will be writing to articulate some of what the Lord has shown me regarding the nascent apostolic-prophetic movements, past, present, and future.

Uncovering the Myth of Spiritual Covering

“Spiritual covering” as theorized by those who teach, promulgate, and adhere to it is an absolute myth. No semblance of the version of “spiritual covering” taught by its proponents exists anywhere within the pages of Holy Writ (Scripture). I will take it a step further and state straightforwardly and unambiguously: “Spiritual covering,” in the vein that it is presented by its proponents and proliferators, is an unmitigated lie and complete myth! It is a complete fabrication concocted by the originators of these fallacious doctrines by which to facilitate and perpetuate their purely self‑aggrandizing objectives of subjugation, domination and control of the sheep of God’s Flock.

A Prophetic Prognosis

For three years or so the Lord has been speaking to me out of the prophetic prediction of Malachi 3:1-6 concerning imminent events that He will be orchestrating in the Church that He is building, i.e., the genuine Body of Christ. In the first quarter of this year, the Lord has been continually increasing the intensity and urgency of what he has been showing and telling me in this regard. I rise today through the auspices of this forum to make a sincere and earnest attempt to convey what I believe I received as a prophetic word from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, which He has instructed me to convey to the Church He is building, that is, His Body. A few days ago, I heard Him instructing me in my spirit to sit down at my computer, write what He speaks to me, and title it “A Prophetic Prognosis.” I did; He did; and what He spoke is what this article is about.